每次重装电脑,非常麻烦的一件事情就是重装软件,尤其是那些有序列号的软件。LicenseCrawler 能帮你轻松搞定。在重装前,启动LicenseCrawler ,它能通过扫描windows系统的注册表寻找到注册的软件的序列号(serial numbers)和许可(license). 并将其保存下来,供您重装后使用。



If you want to setup your computer system again you need to have the licenses and serial numbers at hand for all the software programs that you have purchased and registered. This does include the Windows product key but also other serial numbers for applications like Nero, Office, VMWare and pretty much every other application.

Instead of searching for the keys in your emails, manuals and recipes you could use another approach. License Crawler is a sweet little application that scans the Windows Registry for Windows product keys and other serial numbers and licenses.

The License Crawler can discover application product keys and other serial numbers or licenses very quickly and supports all versions of Windows operating system from Windows 95 to Windows Vista.

It is a portable application that can be run from any location and would be a perfect fit for an USB stick. Asking clients to find serial and license keys is often very frustrating. Instead, tech support can simply run License Crawler without having to interact with the client at all.

What´s New in version

  • Update search engine, new command line parameter, add language:Swedish, Portugues Brasil, Spanish, Russian, French, Italian, Dutch

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